Have you ever had a clogged pipe at home? If you have, of course, you have experienced how difficult it is to repair the clogged pipe without help from the best plumbers San Diego. If the clogged part is located inside the house, then of course it will be even more difficult to clean it because the pipe has already been planted in the ground and has to dismantle the floor and tiles to fix it. Before getting to know the solution for sewer treatment, let’s first identify the source of the problem that causes the blockage. Here are some of the causes:

1. Throwing foreign objects into sinks, toilets, and other sanitary equipment. Often clogged pipes are caused by homeowners who have not been disciplined in disposing of various wastes (tissues, sanitary napkins, plastic bags, etc.) into the toilet or sink. This garbage can sometimes be washed away to the final channel but not infrequently it also settles and even clogs the pipeline.

2. No “geese trap” in the kitchen sink. A geese trap or what we usually call a fat tub is a sanitary device that serves to catch fat and food debris that is usually contained in kitchen wastewater. Without a geese trap, the fat in the kitchen waste water can settle on the pipe walls, bind food debris, and over time will clog the pipe.

3. Exhaust pipe design that is too long and many turns at 90° angle. Wastewater usually flows using the force of gravity which is very low pressure. The design of the exhaust pipe that is too long and has many turns can slow down the flow of wastewater. If a bend in the exhaust pipe is required, it is advisable to use 2 45° fittings or an elbow and tee with a large turning radius.

4. The slope (sloping) that is not following the exhaust pipe installation standards. The standard slope for the exhaust pipe is 1-4% of the total length of the horizontal pipe. This slope is also influenced by the type of wastewater and the diameter of the pipe. Therefore, if the installed pipe does not meet the slope standard, it will slow down the flow of wastewater and clog it.

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